Monday, July 10, 2017

June 12, 2017

Hello everyone! 

It's been an alright week here in Paisley. On Monday guess what Sister Ligertwood and I found at the Breahead Mall!!???!?!?!


most of you are probably thinking, why would Sister Johnson be so excited about Boost Juice? yes it is a smoothie place, but not only that it's an Australian Smoothie Brand and it's in Paisley! I was so excited you wouldn't believe. I haven't had a boost juice in 6 or 7 years and It was just as good as I remembered it to be. My Parents and Siblings must be so jealous right now. I ❤ Boost Juice. It's way better than any other smoothie place I've had and it's pretty natural too.

Well I'm done with the most exciting thing that happened this week. Really it was crazy weather, some times hot other times cold, windy and raining. We had a dinner appointment every night this week except for one night. And I got to met some of the members, don't ask me though what their names are because I suck with names.

Some funny things that happened this week
we were GQing in the early afternoon and I tried to talk to this man on the street as he walked past. He stopped looked at me and pointed at a black badge with white typed words on it (I guess awkwardly made to look like my missionary badge) And it said "I think therefore I'm an Atheist" The guy took the time to make a badge, print it off, laminate it and pin it to his jacket just so he could show it to some missionary on the street of Paisley today. It was poorly made as well. I'm sorry sir, if you took the time to make that badge just to show me. I think you're the one who wasn't thinking. 
Another one happened while we're finding on Saturday night and everyone was drunk on the streets. It was Scotland vs. England game and a ton of guys were wearing kilts. Three men were talking to Sister Ligertwood and I, on of them was completely wasted and gave Sister Ligertwood a Scotland Flag.

The Elders in Paisley had a baptism this week too and it was really nice. The Relief Society had a dinner and paid for us to come too, it was at a little Italian Restaurant. We got one new investigator named Ryan this week as well.
Besides from this nothing else really happened. Just finding on the streets, and trying not to get wet.

In my studies this week I've been getting kinda into D&C 88. It's got some deep doctrine stuff in it that I really enjoy thinking about, such as about the Kingdoms of Glory, resurrection, judgement, and the Second coming. It's amazing how much we know about Heavenly things that so many other religions has so little knowledge about even the simple questions like. Why did God create us? Why are we on earth? Where are we going after this life? If you believe there's a God why don't you think he would have a purpose for you? Especially if this God loves you. So back to my studies.
In D&C 88 it teaches us that there is different Glory for each kingdom and laws that those who live there must obey. (D&C 88:22-24) Then it tells us that "All beings who abide not in those conditions are not justified." (39) "For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own; judgement goesth before the face of him who sitteth upon the throne and governeth and executeth all things." (40) goes on talking about all the wisdom and knowledge and understanding of God. But basically I think that it's just teaching us hear that every being that possesses the traits of a kingdom of Glory would want to be there. If we have the qualities and traits that are closer to those in the terrestial kingdom we would want to be there. It isn't just a matter that God judges us and places us in a kingdom. We choose where we want to be. 
D&C 88:63 says, "Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock and it shall be opened unto you." We are the ones that need to make the step, have the desire to be closer to him or even know him.
It talks a little about missionary work in this section and the second coming. But I don't really have to time to talk more about it. I was listening to some John Bytheway talks and in one it says that some people say it bothers them when they don't understand some thing in the scriptures. But really what should bother us is the things we do understand because that's what the Lord is trying to tell you. 
D&C 88:49 "...the day shall come when you shall comprehend even God..." one day we will all get it so don't worry about it. 😊
I encourage you all to study D&C 88 some time, it's my favourite scripture right now.
Hope everyone is doing well,


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