Hello everyone!!
So today was moves day and now I'm in Paisley! With Sister Ligertwood, She's from Australia! Today we bonded about the Wiggles...
I'm so excited to be here, it's only a 30 minute drive away from Ayr and in the same Stake. Reminds me of when I was in Perth then moved to Dundee, not very far away but it's a completely different experience. Sister Ligertwood showed me around Paisley. I really enjoyed the Robert Snow Baptist Memorial Church and the Paisley Abby. It's a really Cool Abby and has a long history all the way back in the 1100 ish time. My last week in Ayr wasn't anything too exciting. We had a "movie night" with our recent converts in the church on Monday. When we chapped in the evening, Sister Parker and I knocked in the Posh part of Ayr. Saw some really pretty old homes, I have some pictures but I forgot to bring a cord to plug in my camera. Oh well... next week you can see some. Some many activities we planned with our recent converts this week, there was also a Book of Mormon reading class we're starting to teach on the opposite week of Games night. Chris, Daniel and Neil came to it. On Friday there was a BBQ at the Stake President's home, Daniel went to it as well. I had fun playing a game of Rounders (like baseball) with the members. Sadly Daniel was suppose to get baptized on Saturday but he couldn't because he pushed himself going to the BBQ, (he has a really bad back). We are hoping that he can be baptized on Tuesday, I really hope I can come. We'll see... Daniel has such a wonderful future in the church, he keeps telling us that we've changed his life, and we definitely couldn't have. It was Christ the whole time.
Our tattoo Artist friend, James took us out for dinner on Saturday. At a place called the Smoking Goat, it's a cool bar that has some pretty decent Mexican Food.
I had a really big experience in Ayr, the last six months there I couldn't put any one word to it. It was life changing and a huge growing point for me as a person and Missionary. It was definately not a nice rosy walk in a park, in reality it was more like a hike through a jungle. Some times being chased by tigers, seeing beautiful waterfalls, climbing through thick vines and getting stuck in the mud. So many different challenges and ended on a really positive note though. For missionary work though I feel like I've accomplished everything I could and was ready to move on. Now I only have 4 more transfers left of my mission, including this new one I'm beginning in Paisley. I could possibly finish my mission in this Area, we'll see.
Have a good week,