Hello Everyone,
So It's my birthday on Wednesday, I'll be twenty it's so weird to get turning into an adult...
Anyway this week I can't really remember what has happened, it was a blur and felt so long ago. Fortunately Sister Parker is better now so we were able to start doing missionary work again. The week mostly consisted of walking up and down the streets trying to find people to talk to us. We weren't able to find many people this week but that's okay. We did alot of work with our most solid people, Chris is doing so well being a new member. He passed the Sacrament for the first time this Sunday! Paula wasn't able to get baptised on Saturday because she broke the Word of Wisdom and drank cocktails the night before. Neil is still doing well, we have the date set for the 13th of May for both of them.
On Tuesday Neil drove us, Paula and Chris to a dinner appointment at the Cairn's home. Paula and Sister Cairns bonded over being diabetic. Chris wasn't feeling too well. Neil can't eat anything but fish, mushrooms and sweet corn, with zero seasoning. I played a Bugal which was sitting in their home (I still got the ability). Sister Parker was smiling. Over all it was a pretty good appointment.
I'm pretty excited for the coming week we have a bunch of appointments set up and it should be pretty successful week. Today we are going to a castle, I'm really excited!
Hope everyone is doing well.
Sister Johnson,