Good Day!!
Ayr is rocking it right now we found two new investigators this week and the sun is shining. The Scottish people like to joke about saying, "wow there's a bright hot ball in the sky! I haven't seen that in awhile!" It's not so funny after awhile because they all say the same thing. It's shocking though how different the people act when it's sunny outside. They're so friendly, happy and practically everyone in the west of Scotland came to Ayr Beach. When it was really warm on Sunday we GQed along the shore and people were telling us they lived an hour and a half away, but only came down for the day. It was Mother's day here on Sunday as well.
Paula and Neil are still eager to learn about the Gospel. Graham didn't make his baptism date once again this week. James the Heroine Addict disappeared. We saw Jason, (Sister Lawson and I taught him 2 transfers ago, but he wouldn't leave his flat for weeks) and he now has a baptism date. Met a young man named Chris who's really cool and studies the book of Mormon and went to church this sunday and enjoyed it!! Whooop!!
Monday, we organised the Flat. Moving furniture and throwing out junk. That evening we went to a Member's home but before we went in, we had time to look at a really old grave yard with a little church in the middle of it. It was kinda creepy in the evening, I have the photo in attachments.
Really not much happened this week that's worth mentioning. I didn't wear tights today for the first time since November, that's exciting.