Sunday, July 30, 2017
July 24, 2017
Hello Everyone,
This week was a roller coaster, we had some fun times and some depressing moments. We've been having a tough time finding new people to teach and some of our investigators couldn't meet with us. We also had fun in between the hard times so it really helped us keep going. I'm really enjoying serving Sister Wayne, it some how always surprises me how different companions are and makes me appreciate the variety of human beings. She's cheerful, giggly, american and has a lot of faith. On Monday we went to the mall, to just look around what's there and grab some stuff. Now that I'm writing this I've realized I did email at the end of P-day... So that night we went finding in city centre and chapped. When we were chapping we knocked on a door of a lonely old woman, she started being really nice talking about happy things and God... then things went wrong and she started telling the story of the morning she found one of her sons dead. It was very detailed and made me feel nausea afterwards. Scottish people just tell you everything and anything. I would love to visit her again, but I'm not sure if we should.
On Tuesday we had District meeting on Accountability, I think that accountability is a skill that every missionary that serves well, will most definitely gain on their mission. I believe that before my mission I struggled with being accountable to myself and God, I needed others to account to. I need to just get used to being self-accountable. Our Investigator Ryan B. gave us Australian Ginger Beer which was pretty cool. We also taught Ian twice this week! The second time we took him to the church and showed him around the church with Katie. I think he needs to change the reason why he's meeting with us, at first I think he was more sincere but now it's just to collect knowledge. I have a testimony that the reason why you read the Book of Mormon has a big impact on what you get from it; If you read the Book of Mormon to gain knowledge you'll get that; If you read it for understanding of God, you'll receive that; if you read to know whether it's truly the word of God, you will find out if it is or not.
The assistant ward mission leader is now offically our Ward Mission Leader now! Brother Clark has been a big help and his family had us over for dinner on Tuesday. The mum made a mac n' cheese with sweet potato, I've been obsessed with sweet potato for a whole two months now. I eat sweet potato 3 or 4 times a week. I found out that sweet potato is jam packed with so many nutrients and has low calories. (Just in case you wanted to know) My mum loves Jamie Oliver, he's a uk chief but now the new thing is a woman named Nigella Lawson. It's one of her recipes. On Wednesday we went to Amanda and Sarah's again for lunch, it was kinda funny because the Dog Molly gets screamed at for the first 10 minutes of the appointment. But also sad, poor dog. Amanda's name actually sounds pretty close to mine, she has the middle name Jean as well. Amanda Jean, Miranda Jean... I've met so many people with the same middle name as me on my mission. Sorry now I'm just Gabbing. (It's a scottish term for talking about random things)
On Thursday we got a call from a wonderful member Sister Mair, she wasn't doing anything that morning and was wondering if we need any help. So we went GQing with her, eventually we had an on the spot lesson with a man named Douglas. Friday tons of appointments cancelled, it was pretty rough. We taught Ian that night at the church. On the way home he walked with us off the bus in the city centre we went past a druggie man. I said Good night to the druggie when he was saying gibberish to us, and then the man flipped out. He started insulting us and then Ian stepped in. There was an aggressive atmosphere but you could tell the druggie was completely high, nothing happened except the casualty of Ian getting juice on his coat. Nothing would've probably happened if Ian wasn't there, we hardly ever get stuff like this happening.
Saturday was fun, it was the pipe band championships. So there was pipe bands playing up and down high street from 10:30 till 4:30. It seems like marching band in high school culture to me. In the pipe bands it seemed to be a mix variety of organizations and groups, most of the bands had a mix between young and old people. It was so cool to listen to so many band playing and marching. We also saw some of our friends that day too. Church on Sunday was pretty good, we went into a ctr class and told the children about missionary work. The Cunninghams had us over for dinner and we had a good time catching to them.
Not sure what we are doing today but I'm excited to go on an adventure! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summer.
Sister Johnson,
Monday, July 17, 2017
July 17, 2017
I don't even know what to say about this week, it's gone by really quickly. We were able to meet with a lot of the people we met up with last week, which means we are keeping our investigators. Saw Adam, the polish man that wants to find a wife. We had to teach him pretty rushed so we just talked about the 10 commandments, we use hand signals to teach them. I can proudly say that I keep all 10 commandments! And also mean it because I actually know all of them. It was funny though when we were going through them because Adam says he has them memorized but he's either missing one or adding one because we had different commandments per number. It made him frustrated, he's from a Catholic Background.
We also saw Odila, the lady that's in Spiritual School. She gave us one of her books, I skimmed through a lot of it and found it to be a lot of made up stuff. They have a thing called Aquarian Gospel. And I think it's an additional scripture for them, but some person wrote it and it has added stories to the bible ones about Jesus. Not about anything else but added events to the bible stories. I don't know too much from what I read, the book also contained poems and stories that people wrote. And explains 'symbolism' of Christmas. If you're curious look it up and let me know what you find. I'm pretty sure that if Odila thinks this stuff is inspired, the Book of Mormon will blow her mind when she starts reading it.
We also taught Ryan, Stewart and Colin this week. Nothing much more to say about them, things progressing slowly. We have a new friend now named Ian, he's looking into a church that he likes. Sister Wayne found him.
Did a lot of street contacting this week, but not much has come from it. Sister Wayne has a huge mission age gap compared to my other companions. She's only been out for 4 months, but is still really boss. Sister Wayne is sweet and works pretty hard. I'm hopeful that we will eventually find a lot of success together.
For P-day today we went to Barrhead mall, drank Boost Juice Smoothies (Australian Brand) and ate Krispy Creme donuts (American Brand); best of both worlds, just like me. This last week was starting to warm up actually, we've had some rain and wind but it feels warmer. I felt too hot on Saturday, but it didn't even hit 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees for Americans) I think I'm adapted for the climate now.
I got the pictures from Last, Last P-day's adventure now.
Sorry I don't have any interesting stories to share about this week.
Hope everyone is doing okay,
Monday, July 10, 2017
Hello everyone,
Nothing much to say about this week. We did a lot of finding this week, have three new people we taught this week. On Monday we had P-day at Greenock for a few hours. Greenock is a town that Sister Paxman and Sister Allen are serving in, it's a pretty cute little port town with a lot of interesting churches. We taught a Polish man named Redick on Monday as well, he met missionaries awhile ago but hasn't been free untill now to meet up. He was really cool to teach, Redick's Family of course is Roman Catholic but he's atheist but loves Jesus. Another Polish man we taught this week is Adam, he's not a cool as Redick. We brought a recent convert Linsey to teach with us. Bad idea, he only wanted to meet with us because he wanted to meet with some Beautiful Ladies. Adam really wants to get married and have a family, he's about 36... We were all 10 years or more younger than him. He texted us a few hours after the lesson and said, "There was no God in the lesson...No hugs, no numbers...I don't want Sisters I already have sister, they give me better advice than the Pope. I'm just going to get drunk tonight. I just came because I wanted to meet some beautiful women." Sister Ligertwood and I, weren't that disappointed when he texted us. You could just tell in the lesson he wasn't interested in God. We taught a young man named Ryan this week and he just came because he said he had nothing better to do. But by the end of the lesson he accepted a Baptism date. It would we cool if he comes next week to another lesson.We also taught Stewart, our druggy friend who likes to study the Book of Mormon.
So on Saturdays Paisley is trying to have a festival every week till August. A little too much in my opinion... This week they had a SMA shot festival, no one really knows what that is. Basically there was music everywhere, and a mini parade. The ward had a garden party on Saturday as well, Colin an investigator of ours came was well. It was lots of fun. Colin had a date for this coming Friday but he won't make it, he's having alot of stuff going on right now since it's the beginning of the summer. This coming week is the last week Sister Ligertwood and I will be together most likely. Moves call is already coming up on Saturday, where did the time go?!?!
So on Saturdays Paisley is trying to have a festival every week till August. A little too much in my opinion... This week they had a SMA shot festival, no one really knows what that is. Basically there was music everywhere, and a mini parade. The ward had a garden party on Saturday as well, Colin an investigator of ours came was well. It was lots of fun. Colin had a date for this coming Friday but he won't make it, he's having alot of stuff going on right now since it's the beginning of the summer. This coming week is the last week Sister Ligertwood and I will be together most likely. Moves call is already coming up on Saturday, where did the time go?!?!
June 26th, 2017
Hello Everyone!
This week was not too bad. We made quite a few appointments, the only problem is that people didn't show up to them. It's fine, happens all the time. We would've gotten 5 new investigators if people came to the appointments, but fortunately one person did. I'll get to that person later on in the email. Weather wise it seemed to have been up and down. Some times it was a warm 16 degree Celsius and other times it was a cold 13 degree. It looked like it was going to rain every day, and some times it did for a little bit. Some of the days it was really windy, especially towards the end of the week. I'm not really in the emailing mood today so I'm going to be really brief about what happened this week.
It was P-day and we wanted to do something alittle bit different. So we traveled to Loch Winnoch and walked about around the edges of this beautiful Loch, that's also a nature park. There was some wild flowers, we saw alot of bugs and ducks. It was nice just wandering around without being in much of a rush and having no people around. There's like a hike thing we could do another P-day that will take us the whole day to do and we could also see some ruins. It was a really warm sunny day and I think I even got a little bit of tan.
Scotland South Conference is the same as Scotland West Conference they changed the name because it wasn't really just the west of Scotland more like the south west of Scotland. i think they should have the name south west Scotland conference... Any way, we woke up at 5:30am to travel to Edinburgh. Which was fine. Little did we know though that because of this we suffered for it being exhausted the next day. I loved Conference, we had our STLT's, AP's and President and Sister Donaldson talk to us about the Early Church, Apostasy and the Book of Mormon. A special thing about this conference is that we had 15 missionaries that came to this conference give their departing testimonies. It was really touching to hear how they feel about their mission and give their last words to us. So many of these Missionaries I've served with and knew. It's going to be a very different mission when they leave. In only 3 more conference I'll be sharing my departing testimony as well.
There's a partially less active member that adores Sister Missionaries, she invites us over for a meal every once and awhile. We taught her a quick lesson and then she asks us to do random acts of service. This time she wanted Sister Ligertwood to climb into her loft and take down her summer clothes. Made my day watching Sister Ligertwood climbing around in the loft holding a light bulb.
We were exhausted today from waking up early yesturday and I was dragging my feet the entire day. We still kept going though. In the Evening, we were walking past some pubs when a drunk guy walked infront of us and called us STUNNING. We some how were talking to these men, they were decently nice but unfortunately were drunk. Sister Ligertwood was talking to the other two guys because the conversation split, I was still standing next to Sister Ligertwood though. I ended up getting into a conversation with the man that called us stunning. Needless to say eventually we got away, but the man gave both of us an unwanted hug before we left...
This morning we had interviews with President Donaldson. It was really nice talking to him and Sister Donaldson. Afterwards they took us out for a quick lunch, we decided on KFC. If my memory is correct I don't ever remember eating KFC in my life except for once or twice in Australia so it must've been about 6 or 7 years or even longer since I've eaten KFC. I got a wrap and it wasn't that bad. We then rushed to an appointment we made and Andrea showed up! It was awesome, first female investigator I've had in forever. We are hopefully coming to her home on Tuesday and teaching her more. In the evening we saw a less active and her non member sister, we taught them about the Law of Tithing and Fast. Over all we were still tired but the day went by really quickly.
Nothing much happened during the day, a bunch of people didn't show up to the appointments we set with them. In the evening we had a dinner appointment with the Calders, they're a really lovely family and are a big help to the missionaries in the Paisley Ward. We also went to Blend to support a less Active Lady who was singing and reading a poem she wrote at the Open Mic Night. Blend is a Christian Cafe, and the creative things people shared some times had a Christian undertone to it. If I ever come back to Paisley I would want to come to another Open Mic night, it's pretty fun. We left though right after Liya's act.
We GQed all day because people didn't show up to their appointments again. Taught Joseph a recent convert, he really loves Christ. When we read a random Chapter out of the Book of Mormon he was smiling and said it was like the scriptures were talking to him. We taught him the Plan of Salvation and it helped him feel a lot of peace with his life. Knowing that Eternal happiness is waiting for those that are righteous and it's ETERNAL.
We had two munch 'n Mingles in one day once after Church and again after the Fireside that was held in the evening for the Triplets that are leaving on their missions in the next month. Another boy is leaving on his mission on Tuesday to Albania Mission. It's really strange listening to these kids give their farewell talks. I started thinking about my farewell talk and cringed a little bit because of how bad it was. When I come home I'll hopefully have more things to say. We ended up recieveing all the left overs from the two munch and mingles. Which consisted of a lot of cake. A Elder that just got off him mission came to church on Sunday with his family. I don't know Elder Flynn at all because he served a lot of his mission in Ireland.
And that was my week. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summer.
Sister Miranda Johnson,
June 12, 2017
Hello everyone!
It's been an alright week here in Paisley. On Monday guess what Sister Ligertwood and I found at the Breahead Mall!!???!?!?!
most of you are probably thinking, why would Sister Johnson be so excited about Boost Juice? yes it is a smoothie place, but not only that it's an Australian Smoothie Brand and it's in Paisley! I was so excited you wouldn't believe. I haven't had a boost juice in 6 or 7 years and It was just as good as I remembered it to be. My Parents and Siblings must be so jealous right now. I ❤ Boost Juice. It's way better than any other smoothie place I've had and it's pretty natural too.
Well I'm done with the most exciting thing that happened this week. Really it was crazy weather, some times hot other times cold, windy and raining. We had a dinner appointment every night this week except for one night. And I got to met some of the members, don't ask me though what their names are because I suck with names.
Some funny things that happened this week
we were GQing in the early afternoon and I tried to talk to this man on the street as he walked past. He stopped looked at me and pointed at a black badge with white typed words on it (I guess awkwardly made to look like my missionary badge) And it said "I think therefore I'm an Atheist" The guy took the time to make a badge, print it off, laminate it and pin it to his jacket just so he could show it to some missionary on the street of Paisley today. It was poorly made as well. I'm sorry sir, if you took the time to make that badge just to show me. I think you're the one who wasn't thinking.
Another one happened while we're finding on Saturday night and everyone was drunk on the streets. It was Scotland vs. England game and a ton of guys were wearing kilts. Three men were talking to Sister Ligertwood and I, on of them was completely wasted and gave Sister Ligertwood a Scotland Flag.
The Elders in Paisley had a baptism this week too and it was really nice. The Relief Society had a dinner and paid for us to come too, it was at a little Italian Restaurant. We got one new investigator named Ryan this week as well.
Besides from this nothing else really happened. Just finding on the streets, and trying not to get wet.
In my studies this week I've been getting kinda into D&C 88. It's got some deep doctrine stuff in it that I really enjoy thinking about, such as about the Kingdoms of Glory, resurrection, judgement, and the Second coming. It's amazing how much we know about Heavenly things that so many other religions has so little knowledge about even the simple questions like. Why did God create us? Why are we on earth? Where are we going after this life? If you believe there's a God why don't you think he would have a purpose for you? Especially if this God loves you. So back to my studies.
In D&C 88 it teaches us that there is different Glory for each kingdom and laws that those who live there must obey. (D&C 88:22-24) Then it tells us that "All beings who abide not in those conditions are not justified." (39) "For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own; judgement goesth before the face of him who sitteth upon the throne and governeth and executeth all things." (40) goes on talking about all the wisdom and knowledge and understanding of God. But basically I think that it's just teaching us hear that every being that possesses the traits of a kingdom of Glory would want to be there. If we have the qualities and traits that are closer to those in the terrestial kingdom we would want to be there. It isn't just a matter that God judges us and places us in a kingdom. We choose where we want to be.
D&C 88:63 says, "Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock and it shall be opened unto you." We are the ones that need to make the step, have the desire to be closer to him or even know him.
It talks a little about missionary work in this section and the second coming. But I don't really have to time to talk more about it. I was listening to some John Bytheway talks and in one it says that some people say it bothers them when they don't understand some thing in the scriptures. But really what should bother us is the things we do understand because that's what the Lord is trying to tell you.
D&C 88:49 "...the day shall come when you shall comprehend even God..." one day we will all get it so don't worry about it. 😊
I encourage you all to study D&C 88 some time, it's my favourite scripture right now.
Hope everyone is doing well,
June 5,2017
I can't believe I've been on my mission for over a year! Time is starting to move quickly on my mission and I'm afraid I'll be home before I know it. Paisley is full of so many different characters, it kinda makes Finding on the street fun. The weather this week started off Sunny and warm, not it's rainy and cloud. Sister Ligertwood is a pretty fun companion, we do a lot of good work together. I'm excited to spend a transfer with her.
So on Tuesday I had the chance to go to the baptism of my investigator Daniel in Ayr, it's only at 30 minute train ride and I only needed permission from my zone leaders. Daniel was pretty cool to teach because we met him and three weeks later was baptized. We had no problems with the process of him preparing for baptism, he just did what we asked him to do because he had faith and trust to receive the promised blessings. Daniel felt the spirit and recognized it. His parents also came to the Baptism and wanted to take Sister Parker and me out to lunch, before they are so grateful for making Daniel the happiest he's ever been in 10 years. Seeing people change their lives like this makes all this hard work worth it in the end.
A funny thing happened on the train when we were travelling home. A woman had a bottle with fizzy stuff, she shook it for some reason and liquid burst out of the bottle and hit the window next to her, on the ceiling and on the window on the other side of the train. pretty impressive, I must say.
We were basically trying to build up our teaching pool this week and met a lot of random people. They aren't too promising but, hey it's a teaching pool kinda. Man called Moses from somewhere in South America, he just moved to Paisley and we see him every day. He's catholic but interested in learning about our church so we give him unplanned street lessons every other day. Lucky for him he just got a flat down the road from us so we can see him even more often. 😉 We met a man called Raj from India my first day here and tried to teach him twice but he couldn't understand a word, I'm not too sure if it's the gospel he's interested in. A polish young man, Kasper, texted us on our way back from the baptism, I'll add one of the text messages in a picture. But basically he saw "passion in my eyes" and wanted to get ice-cream with me, Sister Ligertwood texted for me and told him sure but I'll need to bring a friend and we are missionaries. So we did get ice-cream and told him next time could we teach him about our church and he said yes.
Met the members on Sunday and it was really weird how this church building is exactly the same as the Ayr building. So many noisy children here, it feels kinda like my home ward during sacrament meeting. I was forced to give the first testimony is fast and testimony meeting and introduce myself. Not too fun, I do bare my testimony is sacrament meeting most months. But it was uncomfortable doing it my first day and to be the first person. 😣
15th May 2017 Mother's Day
Happy Mothers Day Yesturday!
It feels a bit awkward to email right now because yesturday I got to Skype. Not much has happened this week, on Monday the District came to the Ayr Ward and we ate Haggis. I don't particularly like Haggis, I like it as much as I like Peanut Butter. Which means I'll eat it with other stuff but I rather not have it at all. On Monday that was it, Tuesday Sister Parker and I woke up at 5am to take a train to Glasgow then to Edinburgh for a conference. It was a combination of Paisley, Glasgow and Edinburgh Zone. There was a lot of different stuff talked about but as usual I got that I need to be a better missionary than I am. Wednesday we taught Daniel again, he's doing really well. Daniel didn't come to Church this Sunday because on Friday he went to a Priesthood activity and is still in pain from the effort. 🙁 Daniel is praying everyday night and morning, he says that since he started doing that he's felt an peace in his life and doesn't worry about things that he used to. I think Daniel is going to be a spiritual giant in a few years if he keeps going like he is. Paula and Niall was suppose to get baptized together this weekend but Paula wasn't ready for it. Niall got baptized though and it was so cool. On Sunday he received the Holy Ghost and the Aaronic Priesthood! My recent convert Chris got to bless the sacrament for the first time this Sunday! I'm so proud of everyone, they grow up so fast! 😢
Really besides from all of this not much has happened this week. Probably only have 2 weeks left in Ayr not, which is really sad. I'm going to feel sorry to leave all of the wonderful people I've been fortunate to teach. I love being a missionary on weeks like this, making friends and helping them find Christ. I found a scripture last week that stuck with me in Hebrews 5 8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; 9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;
Through the things Christ experience he was made perfect. He went through all the struggles we've been through, the purpose of him and us coming here is to gain experience. But it's only by obedience during these trials and enduring well that we can gain eternal salvation, becoming who we are meant to be.
Love all of you!
March 3, 2017
Hiya Everyone!
This week we weren't able to do much work in our area. There was a Scotland South Conference in Edinburgh on Tuesday, for the missionaries in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Paisley Zones. They spoke about what we call the Big 5, stuff we use unique to our mission (My Conversion Formula, How to get a qualified appointment, At Church Checklist and Holy Ghost Principle), also a bit about Jospeh Smith history, giving Joseph Smith a voice when we teach the Restoration, How to set Goals (Desire, Vision, Goals, Plan and Action) I like when president said in one email. A Goal without a plan is Fish without Chips. After the conference my district and some members of my zone had interviews with the Mission President. Sister Parker and I ended up being the last people to get interviewed, for dinner President and Sister Donaldson took us and the APs for dinner at 5 guys. It's like a little piece of home. Since President was going to Glasgow that night he offered to drive us to Glasgow train station. So off we went. On the way we got lost... I'm not going to say whose fault it was. (not mine) And we had to spend the night at the Glasgow STL Flat. Hahaha!!Wednesday, June 21, 2017
June 19, 2017
Paisley, Scotland. |
So this week was pretty good actually. I'll just start with last Monday, Sister Ligertwood and I hiked up a brae looking over Paisley. It was muddy and cloudy, luckily it didn't start raining until we were on our way down and it was really light misty rain. I loved the view of Paisley and it seemed like we were in the country side but it's only a 30 minute hike away from the city. Scotland is weird like that, one minute it's a town or city the next you're surrounded by cows and green pastures. I love that you get ferns growing in the woodlands in Scotland, it reminds me of hiking in Victoria. After the hike we still had a lot of time left of our day. Since we've been feeling super tired lately we just kinda chilled in the flat for a bit and listened to music. In the Evening we went by some people that previously have been taught by missionaries in the last 10 years. While we were going by addresses we stopped and talked to a guy named Colin. He's a music teacher in a high school and is going through a divorce right now. We got his number and arranged a time to meet with him the next day.
Tuesday we had a really good District meeting. Talking about why going to church is so important so we can teach people better to attend church. I really liked how we talked about how maybe some times you feel like you don't need to go to church, but we go to church not just to help ourselves but to help others. (Mosiah 18:8-9) we promise to help others to strengthen each other. Maybe it's your experience or testimony that some one else needs to hear. Church is also a time where we show God and Christ that we remember them and love them. The sacrament is a time to become clean and renew the covenants we've made. I definately remember these things when I get home, I never thought about church being a time where I need to help others. We taught our investigator Stewart, he's still not wanting to Pray. I'm confused with him, why doesn't he feel comfortable enough to pray yet? And the best part of my day was meeting with Colin. He seems to be a really sensitive guy, about my parents age and is going through a really tough time and after speaking to him he understands that the message we share could really bless him with the comfort and strength he needs to move forward in his life. Colin's really cool in how he can really relate the scriptures to himself, I think reading the Book of Mormon will bring him alot of guidance and peace.
Wednesday we went to Glasgow on Exchanges with the STL's. I was with Sister Esplin for the day. We did ALOT of GQing (Street finding). I got a peak into the Botanic Gardens when we taught a few people on a bench slightly inside. It looks so cool, with a ton of Green-houses inside. I really hope that one day I'll be able to get a proper look inside the green-houses. It was funny being in glasgow for the 5th time on exchanges, because I'm starting to remember people that I've spoken to before on the street. A guy in a food truck recognized me and called me over. We spoke to him and his friend, in the end they gave us free fruit. I'm also getting sickened just by looking at pigeons now. While we were eating lunch I was gagging because of the pigeons that were around us. Pigeons are flying rats, so gross... The longer I've been on my mission the more aware I am of cleanliness, I'm in public areas all of the time. 🤒 In the evening we made banana bread with the STL's, and also because we like chocolate, we placed some coco in a layer of the Banana bread. It turned out okay, would've been better if it was chocolate chips.
Thursday we did some finding, it was Sister Ligertwoods 1 YEAR mark. Since it was a special occasion we got some Five Guys. I love Five Guys in Scotland because they make it look exactly like the 5 guys in America. I was reminiscing back when I got 5 guys with my Dad sometimes. Even Sister Ligertwood an Australian agrees that 5 guys have the best burgers. Afterwards we taught a less active member and her sister. We also had Ward Council meeting, in the Paisley Ward they only have Ward Council once a month. Even when it only happens once a month they didn't have much to talk about. I don't know if there's a better way to do things, I think it just depends on the Ward and what they think Ward Council is for.
Friday we had a bunch of appointments scheduled and everyone cancelled on us. I think it was going to be possibly seeing 5 people, and they all changed their minds or had something better to do. At least they didn't just not show up and messaged us before hand?
Saturday there was a car show in Paisley. So many cars and motor bikes, it was an early Father's Day celebration I think. We met an old man named Sam, he told us about one particularly funny event that happened in his life when he was young and wild. Sam was living in London and was dating this Ethiopian Woman. One morning she woke him up screaming and yelling complaining about politics, he told her to shut up and she threw her self across the bed and bit him hard on the arm. He said that he definitely drew blood and had to get a shot afterwards. Never saw the woman again. Also met a man who has seen alot of the world and his favourite place was Lofoten islands in Norway?
Sunday was church. Colin came to sacrament meeting and it was so good to see him there. The members were so good at making him feel welcome.
I was running out of time and couldn't say much more about my week. Hopefully next week we'll continue to see more and more success. Also do you remember Daniel? The young man that got baptized in Ayr right after I moved to Paisley?? His parents are learning about the church now and will possibly be getting baptized this month or the next!! So exciting for them! Daniel has probably being such a good example to them and this has helped them see the power of God strengthening him.
I heard on the street that there was a huge fire in London this week and a bunch of people were killed. So many more bad things are happening right now, it makes me really grateful for the protection I've had in my life and the knowledge of the Gospel that it will all work out in the end.
Monday, June 5, 2017
June 5th, 2017 Paisley Australia
I can't believe I've been on my mission for over a year! Time is starting to move quickly on my mission and I'm afraid I'll be home before I know it. Paisley is full of so many different characters, it kinda makes Finding on the street fun. The weather this week started off Sunny and warm, not it's rainy and cloud. Sister Ligertwood is a pretty fun companion, we do a lot of good work together. I'm excited to spend a transfer with her.
So on Tuesday I had the chance to go to the baptism of my investigator Daniel in Ayr, it's only at 30 minute train ride and I only needed permission from my zone leaders. Daniel was pretty cool to teach because we met him and three weeks later was baptized. We had no problems with the process of him preparing for baptism, he just did what we asked him to do because he had faith and trust to receive the promised blessings. Daniel felt the spirit and recognized it. His parents also came to the Baptism and wanted to take Sister Parker and me out to lunch, before they are so grateful for making Daniel the happiest he's ever been in 10 years. Seeing people change their lives like this makes all this hard work worth it in the end.
A funny thing happened on the train when we were traveling home. A woman had a bottle with fizzy stuff, she shook it for some reason and liquid burst out of the bottle and hit the window next to her, on the ceiling and on the window on the other side of the train. pretty impressive, I must say.
We were basically trying to build up our teaching pool this week and met a lot of random people. They aren't too promising but, hey it's a teaching pool kinda. Man called Moses from somewhere in South America, he just moved to Paisley and we see him every day. He's Catholic but interested in learning about our church so we give him unplanned street lessons every other day. Lucky for him he just got a flat down the road from us so we can see him even more often. 😉 We met a man called Raj from India my first day here and tried to teach him twice but he couldn't understand a word, I'm not too sure if it's the gospel he's interested in. A polish young man, Kasper, texted us on our way back from the baptism, I'll add one of the text messages in a picture. But basically he saw "passion in my eyes" and wanted to get ice-cream with me, Sister Ligertwood texted for me and told him sure but I'll need to bring a friend and we are missionaries. So we did get ice-cream and told him next time could we teach him about our Church and he said yes.
Met the members on Sunday and it was really weird how this church building is exactly the same as the Ayr building. So many noisy children here, it feels kinda like my home ward during sacrament meeting. I was forced to give the first testimony is fast and testimony meeting and introduce myself. Not too fun, I do bare my testimony is sacrament meeting most months. But it was uncomfortable doing it my first day and to be the first person. 😣
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Monday, May 29, 2017
Transfer Day to Paisley
Hello everyone!!
So today was moves day and now I'm in Paisley! With Sister Ligertwood, She's from Australia! Today we bonded about the Wiggles...
I'm so excited to be here, it's only a 30 minute drive away from Ayr and in the same Stake. Reminds me of when I was in Perth then moved to Dundee, not very far away but it's a completely different experience. Sister Ligertwood showed me around Paisley. I really enjoyed the Robert Snow Baptist Memorial Church and the Paisley Abby. It's a really Cool Abby and has a long history all the way back in the 1100 ish time. My last week in Ayr wasn't anything too exciting. We had a "movie night" with our recent converts in the church on Monday. When we chapped in the evening, Sister Parker and I knocked in the Posh part of Ayr. Saw some really pretty old homes, I have some pictures but I forgot to bring a cord to plug in my camera. Oh well... next week you can see some. Some many activities we planned with our recent converts this week, there was also a Book of Mormon reading class we're starting to teach on the opposite week of Games night. Chris, Daniel and Neil came to it. On Friday there was a BBQ at the Stake President's home, Daniel went to it as well. I had fun playing a game of Rounders (like baseball) with the members. Sadly Daniel was suppose to get baptized on Saturday but he couldn't because he pushed himself going to the BBQ, (he has a really bad back). We are hoping that he can be baptized on Tuesday, I really hope I can come. We'll see... Daniel has such a wonderful future in the church, he keeps telling us that we've changed his life, and we definitely couldn't have. It was Christ the whole time.
Our tattoo Artist friend, James took us out for dinner on Saturday. At a place called the Smoking Goat, it's a cool bar that has some pretty decent Mexican Food.
I had a really big experience in Ayr, the last six months there I couldn't put any one word to it. It was life changing and a huge growing point for me as a person and Missionary. It was definately not a nice rosy walk in a park, in reality it was more like a hike through a jungle. Some times being chased by tigers, seeing beautiful waterfalls, climbing through thick vines and getting stuck in the mud. So many different challenges and ended on a really positive note though. For missionary work though I feel like I've accomplished everything I could and was ready to move on. Now I only have 4 more transfers left of my mission, including this new one I'm beginning in Paisley. I could possibly finish my mission in this Area, we'll see.
Have a good week,
May 29th, 2017
So I'm in Paisley with Sister Ligertwood, she's from Sydney Australia. I'm excited to be serving with her, we are the only two Australian Sisters in the Mission. Paisley is a bigger town than Ayr, I might even call it a small city. Sorry don't have any photos today because I didn't bring a cord. It's an alright looking town. The flat address is
Pretty nice inside, not too dirty and it has only a small pile of stuff that a Sister Missionary left when she was traveling home.
It's going to be definitely be an adjustment leaving Ayr, but I'm ready for a change in scenery.
Is it still snowing in Utah, or has it become pretty sunny now? Is school offically over now? What is Rebecca and Jack up to, now that they don't have school any more?
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Last week in Ayr!
Oh my goodness what do I say about this week... We did so much this week and the Lord has blessed us so much. Daniel taught on Monday night at his home and Wednesday afternoon. He was so sweet, he told us about how he feels the spirit in his life. That he gets this feeling when he prays and reads the Book of Mormon, he feels this same feeling when we are teaching him. It was so cool that he recognizes the Holy Ghost before he even knew what that feeling was. On Wednesday when we were teaching some of the commandments he started to get this bad guilty feeling and felt the great need to pray to repent right in the middle of the lesson. I felt kinda cool like the Prophets and Missionaries of old teaching people to repentance. Wednesday was such a strange day because we got a call from President about Pxxx's Parole charge. We found out from a member that googled Pxxxx and found a few news letter articles about an incident that happened. It's kinda hilarious what happened... But sad too because she can't be baptized till November 2018 which is when the Parole ends. I guess that's when the Baptism will be, a year after I go home.😖 But then we thought, wait. Pxxx has a daughter named Pxxtoo... Maybe it's her daughter... Called Pxxx she pretended to have no idea about the article. So eventually we looked at the article and it was definitely her, Pxxx felt bad for lying and confessed. We also taught Nicky this week too, she's a mum of a former investigator of ours. She's really open to the gospel and was crying talking to us about her worries in a cafe. I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can really help her endure the trials she's facing. I was GQing on the street this week when I stopped a really old man, he was telling me that he has his own church and is very active. I was asking about what he thinks the purpose of this life is and he said he didn't know, I was talking to him about the Love and Mercy of Christ and he told me he doesn't feel good enough. The man then started tearing up on the street telling me about he was a solider and shot a trooper, after who knows how many years he still carries that guilt. I'm so grateful for the knowledge of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, that I don't have to carry burdens of guilt with me. The old man told me that it'll take him time to be healed and walked away, unwilling to listen to my message.Our Recent convert Chris is doing so well too! When we met with him this week he was so happy and excited. Chris was practically glowing with the spirit, he told us that he's been reading the Book of Mormon everyday and prays often. He told us that he suffers from Biopolar and that when he's feeling low all he has to do is read the scriptures and it brightens his whole day. One night he said he was walking around to calm himself down, so he started to say a prayer on the harbor, felt a sudden calm come over him and he was able to fall asleep when he got home. Chris told us, "I know without a doubt the church is true!" HOW COOL IS THAT?!?! I'm so happy for Chris, he's doing so well. Chris thanked us and said the Church has changed his life.😆
Monday, May 15, 2017
Looking Back A Year Ago!
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Browsing through Facebook and came across this post today. Sister Miranda Johnson and Sister Parker just had another baptism today. What wonderful members in the Ayr, Scotland ward. "Baptism today of Niall Brunton, taught by our outstanding sister missionaries and the members of the ward! — with Miranda Johnson and Bailey Alyssa Parker." |
Mother's Day!!
Happy Mothers Day Yesturday!It feels a bit awkward to email right now because yesturday I got to Skype. Not much has happened this week, on Monday the District came to the Ayr Ward and we ate Haggis. I don't particularly like Haggis, I like it as much as I like Peanut Butter. Which means I'll eat it with other stuff but I rather not have it at all. On Monday that was it, Tuesday Sister Parker and I woke up at 5am to take a train to Glasgow then to Edinburgh for a conference. It was a combination of Paisley, Glasgow and Edinburgh Zone. There was a lot of different stuff talked about but as usual I got that I need to be a better missionary than I am. Wednesday we taught Daniel again, he's doing really well. Daniel didn't come to Church this Sunday because on Friday he went to a Priesthood activity and is still in pain from the effort.Daniel is praying everyday night and morning, he says that since he started doing that he's felt an peace in his life and doesn't worry about things that he used to. I think Daniel is going to be a spiritual giant in a few years if he keeps going like he is. Paula and Niall was suppose to get baptized together this weekend but Paula wasn't ready for it. Niall got baptized though and it was so cool. On Sunday he received the Holy Ghost and the Aaronic Priesthood! My recent convert Chris got to bless the sacrament for the first time this Sunday! I'm so proud of everyone, they grow up so fast!
Really besides from all of this not much has happened this week. Probably only have 2 weeks left in Ayr not, which is really sad. I'm going to feel sorry to leave all of the wonderful people I've been fortunate to teach. I love being a missionary on weeks like this, making friends and helping them find Christ. I found a scripture last week that stuck with me in Hebrews 5 8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; 9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;Through the things Christ experience he was made perfect. He went through all the struggles we've been through, the purpose of him and us coming here is to gain experience. But it's only by obedience during these trials and enduring well that we can gain eternal salvation, becoming who we are meant to be.Love all of you!
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